SEL Is Everywhere
Teaching social and emotional skills can happen routinely throughout your day, such as during Advisory or Morning Meeting, in a specific SEL lesson, or while sharing a read-aloud. These skills also may appear in places you might not expect: in your classroom setup, the hallways of your school, field trips, or outdoors at recess. In this issue, we investigate what SEL looks like in different locations and provide ideas for incorporating social and emotional skills in all learning spaces.
Articles in this Issue

Creating Classroom Values Through Daily Intentions: A Novel Approach to SEL in Early Childhood
By Annabelle Baylin, Karen LevenbergAt the playground, five-year-old Casey notices a piece of trash on the ground, picks it up, and tosses it into the garbage bin. His teacher observes this simple action, holds…

Our Classroom: Designing Classroom Spaces to Support Primary Students’ Social-Emotional Development
By Becky Wanless-BoboClassrooms tell a story. A story about who the students and teacher are, what they value, and what they are learning or will be learning—a story that includes their collective…

Nature Play: A Landscape Designer’s Approach
By Allyson FairweatherIt’s 11:07 a.m. on a Wednesday morning at the office. I am still adjusting to life as an interior designer even after several years in the industry. The hum of…

Social-Emotional Learning Is Everywhere
By Michelle FuentesAs educators, we understand that social and emotional learning (SEL) goes beyond the scripted lesson plan. We know that the opportunity to teach SEL exists everywhere. A major part of…

Dance and SEL: Making Connections Through Movement
By Noelle Serafino, Kevin BradleyThe arts, and dance in particular, offer a rewarding way to engage students in learning and practicing the SEL competencies—cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self-control (C.A.R.E.S.). By incorporating movement into the…