The Importance of Play
Contributing Editor: Karen Poplawski, Director of Programs at CRS
Skipping rocks, catching lightning bugs, riding bikes, playing in the sandbox, shooting hoops, and soaring high into the sky on a swing. These phrases elicit a fondness in many of us as they conjure pleasant memories of carefree play, the kind of play which research overwhelmingly demonstrates is important for our social, emotional, and cognitive growth and well-being. Would these same phrases elicit the same response from today’s youth? How are we valuing the time-honored art of play and gifting it to our students and ourselves? In this issue we will explore the importance of play, how the game of play is changing in today’s world, and ways we can keep play alive.
Articles in this Issue

Play in the Digital Age
Digital technology has had a profound effect on every part of our lives—including how children experience play. In fact, play for today’s students may look nothing like it did even…

Fun is Essential! Incorporating Play into Today’s Classroom
Educators and educational leaders make critical decisions every day about the allocation of the most valuable resource in a student’s education—their time at school. Modern school schedules are designed to…

3 Ways to Prioritize Play During the School Day
Incorporate play throughout the day at all levelsPlay can be used at any time throughout the day to support students in the development of important social and emotional skills. The…

Play at Every Age: Structuring Play for Social and Academic Benefit
Elementary and middle school educators who are dedicated to increasing play in learning look for opportunities to incorporate structures that engender play throughout the school day. While many decisions affect…

Play: It Isn’t Just for Kids
Oftentimes play is viewed as a child’s endeavor. For adults, play is perceived as unproductive or labeled a guilty pleasure. Part of this perception is a natural consequence of added…