Movers attend to their instincts and live in the moment. They tend to act spontaneously, often pushing boundaries rather than abiding by them. Where the Synergist in them tends toward building relationships and helping others out, the Adventurer takes chances and contends with consequences after choices have been made. Movers’ ability to communicate clearly while testing limits may provide innovative leadership that helps a group succeed.
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Strategic yet spontaneous, these busy minds thrive when tackling multiple projects. Learn more... A Triathlete is a member of the Mover family who harnesses their energy by mixing strategy and spontaneity to achieve a goal. They tend to thrive when tackling multiple projects simultaneously and can resourcefully seek support from others to sustain them through long, difficult tasks. A Triathlete is self-motivated, assesses their emotions, and trusts themselves to make responsible choices. They are most confident when given the freedom to make spontaneous choices and take chances in pursuit of a goal. A Triathlete tends to live in the moment, making immediate choices that are not tied to or informed by the past. Although they tend to push boundaries and overlook some consequences of their actions, they maintain a general awareness of the emotions of others in a group, and they are able to correct their course if they’ve made a misstep before being persuaded by someone else. They will consider the perspectives and feelings of others and listen actively to their input, often prioritizing establishing relationships before focusing on whatever work needs to be done. A Triathlete does not define their sense of self by their current circumstances, and their willingness to ask for and receive help contributes to their enthusiasm for tackling new challenges that may be required to achieve a larger goal. Overarching Tip: Articulate the social and behavioral expectations in your home, school, and community. What purpose are they serving? When you consider why certain conventions are in place and understand how to meet expectations, you are better poised to fit in with a community and make strong connections. Mindfulness Tip: As a Triathlete, it’s important to understand the limits of your impulsive decision-making process. Learn these limits by slowing down. Feel the air on your skin, and feel your feet on the ground. To go slow is to follow nature’s lead, and understand that the present will change one moment at a time no matter what you do. See how your impulses change when you take a few moments before acting on them. Can you find value in transitions and trust that a bright future will come even if you slow down for longer than is comfortable? Competency Tip: Practice setting long-term goals and breaking down what you need to do to reach them. Outline when making spontaneous choices will help you versus when that may hinder you. Although systematically mapping how to get where you want to go may not feel in line with your carefree nature, it can help you strike a balance between rigidity and spontaneity and find even greater, more sustained success. |
Helpful, flexible, and self-motivated, these skilled individuals are vital to getting their team across the finish line. Learn more... A Relay Sprinter is a member of the Mover family, and they value everyone’s role in achieving a goal regardless of their differences; they believe they won’t reach the finish line without everyone’s unique contribution. They are self-motivated and accountable, and their ability to assess not only their own emotions but also the emotions of others makes them skilled at managing themselves while considering and supporting their group members. The Relay Sprinter respects the different backgrounds and opinions of others, allowing them to build and maintain relationships, which they prefer to focus on before focusing immediately on the work. Despite their helpful nature and direct communication style, a Relay Sprinter may withhold their thoughts and emotions because they tend to overanalyze how their words and actions can impact others. They define their identity by their current circumstances and define their success by finishing a task rather than any learning that occurred during the process. A Relay Sprinter makes spontaneous decisions and takes chances to achieve their goals, often pushing conventional boundaries because they view them as suggestions to take or leave rather than strict rules. Occasionally a Relay Sprinter has to contend later on with unanticipated consequences or negative feelings about their choices; however, they are quick to redirect their behavior onto a successful path. Overarching Tip: Notice your body language. Practice standing and speaking in an assertive posture: feet planted on the ground, making eye contact, and arms uncrossed. Tune in to your tone of voice, specifically in moments where emotions may be heightened, and ensure you’re speaking in a clear, direct manner. Mindfulness Tip: As a Relay Sprinter, you thrive when forming relationships. But are you able to put your desire to be social aside when there is work to be done? Use mindfulness to ensure that you are in the moment. Feel the ground beneath your feet and take stock of what’s happening around you. Focus on making a deliberate choice about what needs to be done, rather than what you want to do. Being present in the moment and acknowledging what needs to be done makes you a more active participant in your own life. Competency Tip: Develop the ability and the vocabulary to set boundaries and stick to them. Boundaries provide a solid foundation for building and maintaining healthy relationships and helps to keep everyone safe. Reflect on what behaviors you find acceptable or not, and practice communicating those behaviors in a direct, confident way. If appropriate, find a friend to help you stay accountable. |
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Motivated and responsible achievers who can’t be stopped from reaching the finish line. Learn more... As a member of the Mover family, a Marathoner can ration their energy in service of reaching their finish line as efficiently as possible. They trust their instincts to tell them when to speed up or slow down but use their friends or peers for support in persisting through obstacles to keep moving forward. They are self-motivated, in touch with their emotions, and spontaneous when making decisions. They tend to prioritize building relationships within their group before working toward a common goal, practicing straightforward communication and effective listening. They will offer to help members of their group resolve conflicts or finish a challenging task, especially if they have similar life experiences as that person; they tend to best understand those who are similar to them. A Marathoner strives to make responsible choices and does not define their sense of self by their current conditions, affording them the confidence to make quick decisions in the moment. While they may have a solid record of past success, a Marathoner does not depend on what’s worked in the past to help them achieve goals in the present—they’d rather push conventional boundaries and change their behavior according to what’s happening currently. Sometimes, this method doesn’t lead to the most constructive choice, and a Marathoner has to deal with unexpected consequences later. They are receptive to feedback, though, and will adjust their behavior accordingly to stay on a constructive route. Overarching Tip: Tune in to your language habits. It’s easy to overlook how the words we choose can affect someone, but seemingly small shifts in language can have a positive or negative impact. Even if you don’t quite understand why a word or speech pattern is harmful, practicing empathy builds self-awareness and helps honor someone else’s experience, no matter how different it is from your own. Mindfulness Tip: Consider the consequences before taking action. As a Marathoner, it’s important to ask yourself what alternatives exist to the choice you’re about to make. Practice mindfulness to put yourself in neutral. Pause and observe. Stillness is crucial for you to evaluate where you are now and the paths available to take you where you want to go. Some paths are not readily visible, and you’ll miss them if you don’t take a moment to stop and look around. Competency Tip: Schedule in time to assess your progress as you work toward a goal. Notice what’s going well and where you could improve, and give yourself think-time to make those adjustments. Remaining flexible, open, and critical are key traits to develop for success in a wide variety of circumstances and will help you to overcome both expected and unforeseen challenges. |
Powerhouses of energy with a laser focus on pushing boundaries and crossing the finish line. Learn more... A part of the Mover family, a Sprinter has a strong focus on streamlining their energy to reach the finish line. A Sprinter is quick to act, spontaneous, and achievement oriented, relying on their willpower and instincts to guide them toward making a choice informed by their current circumstances. They will push boundaries in pursuit of successfully completing a goal, as they see traditional expectations as lines that can be redrawn into the shape they desire. A Sprinter can critically examine their own emotions and thoughts, and this awareness allows them to identify and change a behavior that may not align with success. They would rather build relationships than focus solely on the work that needs to be done, though Sprinters tend to gravitate toward and value like-minded individuals. They may make choices that feel right in the moment but do not hold up down the road, though they will hold themselves accountable for their actions and make changes or amends without being told to do so by someone else. At times, a Sprinter may withhold their thoughts and emotions because they are prone to overthink how their words or actions could affect others. They communicate clearly and listen actively, and even if they do not normally seek out those who are different from them, they maintain an awareness of the group as a whole and will try their best to make constructive choices. Overarching Tip: In order to practice empathy, we first need to understand ourselves. Practice tuning in to your emotions, as they provide you important information. Try journaling at the end of the day, especially a difficult or emotional one, and see what you learn about your emotions and how you typically handle them. Mindfulness Tip: As a Sprinter, you might often find yourself lost in your thoughts. Are you able to express those thoughts, or do you keep them inside? Take a breath, and have faith not only in what you need to say but also in your ability to say it. Notice when moments pass where you wish you’d offered your ideas, and write them out afterward. Consider what prompted you to remain quiet, and trust yourself to offer your thoughts next time. Competency Tip: As you take in information and form your opinions, be sure to articulate them clearly, even to yourself. When you have a strong reaction to something, try writing out what you feel and why. Practice talking it through with a friend to get better at standing by what you believe. |
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Never backing down from a challenge, these dynamos have endless energy to pursue their goals. Learn more... A member of the Mover family, a High Jumper generates energy in themselves that can stimulate them to reach their goals, no matter how lofty they may seem. They prefer to form relationships before working toward a common goal, and they use their ability to recognize the emotions and perspectives of others to connect with their group members. They often make choices spontaneously, favoring their in-the-moment reactions over a method that has worked for them in the past. A High Jumper knows when they need support, and they resourcefully seek someone else to guide them when they’re having difficulty persisting. They embrace the challenges that may come with learning something new when pursuing a goal and will tackle those challenges head-on. A High Jumper sometimes focuses so much on making their preferred method work that they neglect considering all of the consequences of that method. Someone else may need to remind them to think of the overall ethics of the group before they make the leap. This critical feedback won’t shake their sense of self, however, because they do not determine their identity based on their current conditions. Despite their preference for following their instincts and pushing conventional moral boundaries, a High Jumper respects the different backgrounds and perspectives present when working with others, and they believe in respecting and valuing diversity. Overarching Tip: Engage with your community. Civic responsibility is a critical aspect of responsibility for adults and students. Learn about your local elected officials and write election dates into your planner. Join a committee in the community or at school, and have discussions about your roles and responsibilities with your students. Mindfulness Tip: When something doesn’t work out as you expected, how do you respond? As a High Jumper, practice radical acceptance of challenges and failure. Practice saying yes to your emotions as a reality check. Yes, you are feeling a negative. What can you learn from it? When we accept where we are and acknowledge both the desirable and undesirable work that needs to be done, we can create a plan that aligns with the real-world circumstances. Competency Tip: Strategize for dealing with all types of outcomes: success, setback, and failure. How can you learn from each occurrence? What do you need to do to stay positive? Even in success, there can be weak points. Even in failure, there is likely a semblance of success. Build the strength needed to remain optimistic and steadfast, even when things aren’t going your way. Try again. |
Unafraid to try something new, these high achievers know what they want and how to get it. Learn more... A member of the Mover family, a Javelin Thrower knows what they want and how they want to get it. They are unafraid to try a new technique if an impulse strikes them, but they are also receptive to others’ feedback if they find themselves throwing their energy in the wrong direction. They understand their own and others’ thoughts and emotions and will highlight and respect the diversity within their group. They tend to act immediately on obstacles or impulses rather than using options that have worked in the past. A Javelin Thrower views success as achieving a goal over the process it took to reach that goal, and they define their identity by their current conditions. They often choose their preferred method to move toward a positive outcome. Sometimes a Javelin Thrower focuses so intently on achieving that outcome to maintain their sense of self that they may need a reminder from others that there are other, maybe more constructive, choices available. They prefer to establish relationships in a group before starting the work, and these relationships are important when a Javelin Thrower needs support persisting through a challenge. A Javelin Thrower might overanalyze how their words or actions can impact someone else’s feelings, so they may end up keeping their feedback to themselves. They value clear communication and will offer help whenever they can, no matter if an individual is different from or similar to them. Overarching Tip: Practice taking a breath before acting on impulse. Are you about to pick up your phone to scroll or raise your voice to make a point? Notice what is happening around you and how you feel when the impulse arises. Practice taking two to three deep breaths before acting. This helps with impulse control and ensures that our words and choices are conscious, intentional, and less likely to have negative consequences. Mindfulness Tip: How much encouragement do you need to try again after a big challenge or failure? As a Javelin Thrower, you may find yourself stuck thinking about the past or worried about the future. Practice mindfulness to remain in the moment. Relax your jaw, and roll your shoulders away from your ears. Savor the moment you’re in by asking yourself what you can learn from it. Even negative emotions offer us valuable information. The more you remain in the moment and attuned to reality, the more you’ll be able to encourage yourself to keep trying. Competency Tip: Think critically about what causes certain environments to fall into disrepair. Notice areas of your home, community, and school that could use some attention, and ask yourself what may have made them this way? Brainstorm possible ways you could advocate for renewal of that environment; focus on the cause rather than just treating the symptoms. |
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Confident risk-takers who focus on what’s ahead of them rather than what’s behind. Learn more... A Long Jumper is a member of the Mover family, and they focus on what’s ahead rather than what’s behind. They are self-motivated to propel themselves forward, often spontaneously using their preferred method or technique to get from point A to point B. A Long Jumper communicates directly and prefers to focus on building relationships before focusing on the work that needs to be done to achieve a goal. They tend to share ideas and collaborate best with those group members similar to themselves and may rely on those individuals for support to overcome obstacles and persist in the face of a setback. However, even if they’re having difficulty carrying on, a Long Jumper does not let that shake their sense of self. They generally trust their instincts and feel most confident when pushing traditional boundaries they see as constraining to their creativity. They will take risks and sometimes start off doing what feels right without considering all possible outcomes or other available choices. Occasionally, the Long Jumper enlists the support and encouragement of their group members to persist if things are not going their way. Though they may let others take the lead in making conventional, ethical decisions, they willingly accept feedback and change their behavior effectively for success. Overarching Tip: Practice mindfulness. An important facet of self-control is emotional regulation, and mindfulness is a useful tool to develop that skill. Doing a body scan or taking a few moments to notice your breath can help to distance yourself from big emotions, as well as help to uncover emotional patterns and triggers that can inhibit self-control. Mindfulness Tip: As a Long Jumper, you may lean on others for support when things aren’t going your way. Notice your thoughts and emotions when this occurs. What type of self-talk is happening? When you start to feel overwhelmed and in need of support, practice taking two big breaths. Suspend judgment of yourself or the situation, and write out how you’re feeling. Notice patterns of vulnerability. It’s important to understand your emotional habits and accept them. That way, when you need support, you can be sure it’s exactly what you need. Competency Tip: When setting goals, notice how many you’re setting and what you’re willing to do to achieve them. Take the time to consider what you want from your biggest goal, and see if there are any alternatives that can give you the same outcome. When you understand what you want and the multiple ways to achieve it, you are setting yourself up for success. |
Confident, steady workers who pinpoint a goal and throw their entire energy in its direction. Learn more... As a member of the Mover family, a Shot Putter can pinpoint a goal and throw their energy in the direction of that goal, no matter how far it may seem. They prefer to align themselves with like-minded individuals and let those individuals inform their methods and techniques. A Shot Putter communicates clearly and prioritizes forming relationships before achieving a goal. They understand their emotions and tendencies and generally feel confident using their preferred option to reach a goal. They may overlook certain consequences of that option, but they will redirect their behavior with a little reminder from someone else. A Shot Putter is usually spontaneous and acts on what feels right at the time, often sidestepping boundaries they feel restrict their risk-taking tendencies. They are apt to overthink their feedback and point of view, often keeping their ideas to themselves to avoid bothering someone else or causing distracting controversy in a group. They define their identity based on their current situation, and so immediate success is important to them—they maintain a steady focus and choose the technique they think will work best, sometimes forgetting to consider more positive alternatives. Although the group may need to remind a Shot Putter to choose a more ethical or constructive action and keep them from lobbing their focus in the wrong direction, they are receptive to modifying their behavior with reminding and are willing to offer a helping hand to someone who needs it. Overarching Tip: Notice small ways to take good care of property like putting a grocery cart back where it belongs or washing that dish as soon as you’re finished with it. Little steps can add up to a more organized, orderly environment. When you consider yourself responsible for both your own and public property, you can ensure a good quality of life in your home and community. Mindfulness Tip: As a Shot Putter, you tend to thrive on spontaneity and excitement. However, it’s important to be sure you’re making intentional choices and not seeking excitement for the sake of it. How can you acknowledge when you should be more methodical? When you feel an impulse arise, use mindfulness to notice it, take a breath, and slow down. Follow nature’s lead, and allow moments to be mundane from time to time. Notice what arises from stillness. Competency Tip: Think about what you were like when you were a child and an adolescent. Consider all of the ways your thoughts, beliefs, appearance, and opinions have changed over the years. When you’re feeling stuck, remember that our identities are in flux. Write out something positive about yourself, and remember that your current circumstances do not define who you are. |